Empower Your Students to Succeed Long After Graduation

Tranparent Language Online

Curriculum-Integrated Solutions

Ideal for instructors with classes and students at varying proficiency levels, Transparent Language Online lets instructors create and customize the learning material to meet the goals of their classroom. The integrated assignment and tracking capabilities increase instructor productivity and drive student usage to improve learning outcomes.

Etgi Dil | 80+ Dilde Online Öğrenme Sistemi
Etgi Dil | 80+ Dilde Online Öğrenme Sistemi
  • Organize and manage classes of students.
  • Align pre-existing materials in the system to your curriculum.
  • Create, produce, and assign new, customized learning material.
  • Track and report student activity and progress, including completed tests and assignments.
  • More than 95 languages, including beginner- and intermediate-level English learning materials.
  • Free training and support for all instructors and administrators during your subscription period.

Supplemental Resource Solutions

Transparent Language Online provides hundreds of hours of learning material, allowing language-learning resource centers to offer supplemental resources for world language students. These programs can be used in your lab or on any Internet-connected computer. We’ll give you free promotional materials to post in your language lab or around campus to boost awareness.

  • More than 95 traditional and less commonly taught languages.
  • Dozens of learning activities covering all aspects of language, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Reports to track usage and progress.
  • Group-specific or campus-wide licensingavailable to fit your needs.
  • Easy to integrate and deploy in your physical or virtual lab.
  • Unlimited access to all language-learning materials.

Tranparent Language Online

Independent Self-Study Solutions

Give your students the tools they need to prepare themselves for the growing global economy. Transparent Language Online contains full courses and dozens of resources that allow students to build and maintain language skills in over 95 different languages, all on their own. Students will:

  • Master the fundamentals with the Essentials Courses, containing over 30 lessons.
  • Learn thousands of words and phrases with supplemental vocabulary building.
  • Utilize mobile applications for additional practice on iOS and Android devices.
  • Never forget what has been learned with theLearned Items retention system.
Etgi Dil | Tranparent Language Online